Tuesday, April 14, 2009

fishy thoughts ><>

Well, It's been a longggg time. Sorry for any of you who check this often. :( For those of you who don't know I have a rediculous stomach and intestines. Meaning, I quite often have problems. About a month ago my pains started up worss than ever, and inabled me to eat. Seeing as eating is quite essentail to living, this was not the greatest situation. I flew home to get into Drs appointments, and really, just to be with my mom. (aww..) . I ended up being home for just over 2 weeks once the pains subsided and I could eat again. It was nice to come back to camp and see my boy [Adan :) ] , and to actually work again! With that all being said, I wasn't really in the best of moods to be writing blog posts :P . On another note, this past while I found out that my parents are spliting up. It's all kinda came at once (for me at least), and each week it seems I'm being told new things. Leaving it at that, I couldnt blog those weeks as I really didnt want to say too much. For this past week Valley Springs was here, which is out biggest week out of the year for EOC. Lots of youth, lots of work, but lots of houses being built! :) It was one of those weeks where as soon as your done work at 9:30, you go straight go bed, to wake up at 6:00 and start all over again! On that thrusday I went out to visit house crews and arrived just in time to swallow back a few fish tacos! YUMM!! (right?).. well, long story short, Friday morning 4:00... fish came back to make an appearance. nuff said. SOO on that note, if u remember back to the beginining, my stomach already doesnt function quite properly. With that said, I've been in bed for the past 4 or so days in lots in lots of pain :( . Today is a bit better, as por fin (finally) I'm writting a blog! Yes it is a random blabber of the past month or so, however now for the most of you , you are more of less up to date ! :)

Now that I'm up at moving again, I am definitly going to keep you guys posted!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I have issues with my intestines too and it sucks sometimes. Praying you feel better soon. Blessings on your mission.
