Thursday, February 12, 2009

under my umberella, ella, ella, a, a.. **

Here's a few pics from Britts' camera, of Chapultepec after only two days of rain!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

when it rains it pours

As many of you know Ensenada is not known for the amount of annual rainfall. However, when it does rain, you'd think the world is ending!! The main streets here are infact paved, but almost all side roads are dirt roads. As for the dirt, this is not rich dark solid soil by any means. Sand is a better term :) . A small rainfall and a few streets will be flooded with water, from the water simply pooling into the sand, instead of soaking into the ground OR flowing through a drainage system(if you're from Canada or the States) ;) . So, to bring me back.. It has been raining for 2 days and 2 nights, thus... flooding! I'll try to put some pictures up soon to show the back fo my house. It looks like a swimming pool right out my back door! The roads are a blast to romp around in, in the villages, however I think thats because we're blessed with an F150 truck. haha. I feel that my honda civic back home JUST might not cut it here !

On a seperate update, Brittney [roomate :) ] and I have started to help out with a childrens feeding program down in a village called "Lomas Bonitas" [beautiful hills ] . We're going to start going every Monday,Wednesday and Friday from about 8 in the morning until 12. We went today to check it out, offer a hand and start to get to know some of the kids. I'm really excited to start something new, away from camp for a bit, meet some new people and make a difference in other aspects. I'm excited to add some more flavor to my experience here . With that in mind, please keep Britt and myelf, and all of these kids in your prayers. As well prayers that this continuous support for this program and continous donations continues to keep this program running.
That's it for now!! If you're coming down any time soon, bring your rain boots!